
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This Boy Loves His Daddy!

One night this week, my kiddos and I were working on thank-you notes in the kitchen while hubby was reading in our bedroom. After a little while one of the kiddos went to check on Daddy and found him asleep.

We went on about our writing until bed time. After pjs were on and teeth brushed, I was helping our daughter clean her room. I realized I hadn't seen our son in a while. After a quick search, here is what I found:

Our son had crawled in the bed RIGHT next to his Daddy.....cuddled as close as he could get...and fallen asleep!

How absolutely sweet and adorable!

You can tell they are father/son! Do they have the same ear shape?


Sharla said...

Cute comment about the ear - I see the similarity!

Tonja said...

Sons do like to follow their fathers, don't they? Even if it's just a nap! Cute, cute pic.!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Oh Leah Belle, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! I have one similar of Jordan and Mike...I used it at his rehearsal dinner in June. I will treasure it always!

Jenn said...

Oh what a precious post! Such sweet pictures.

Happy to be caught up on your blog. Time to take a break and feed my kids.